Grow Your Business
Nearly 400 member companies strong, we represent all aspects of the home building and remodeling industry in York County and serve as a trusted resource for homeowners and the community. Membership in the York Builders Association signals to your clients and associates that you’re committed to bringing the highest level of professionalism to your field of specialty.
Connect with other members through events, happy hours, classes, and more, grow your business while managing costs, have a voice in the industry, and enjoy the numerous resources provided as part of your membership.
Membership connects you with over 195,000 trade allies throughout the state, all of whom want to add strength and camaraderie to the building industry.

Member Benefits
Browse the various benefits that are available to our members at the national, state, and local level.
- Local advertising through directory and web and social media
- Member networking events
- WFN Foundation
- E-referral program
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Awards banquet
- Member to member referrals
- Brand recognition
- Association benefit plans – United Concordia Dental; Aflac
- 3 in 1 membership
- Ability to join committees/boards
- WC through Eastern Alliance
- Insurance through My Benefit Advisors
- PA One Call
- Small Business Growth Partners {provide analysis of company’s marketing, sales, communication, and strategic planning)
- Access to model building contracts that meet state requirements
- Constant Contact discount (email marketing, templates, etc.)
- PSECU membership
- Networking
- Advocacy and Legislative efforts
- Access to expert resources
- National Purchasing Partners discounts
- BDX (Builders Digital Experience) – list homes for free online on two leading new home websites
- Member Savings Programs
- Lowe’s 5% off purchases and additional 2% on cc statement
- Advocacy programs
- Educational programs to provide opportunities to improve skills
- Networking
- International Builders Show
- Mentoring
Notary services are available and free for members for business purposes! Get started today!
Exclusive Benefit for Builders
Member Rebate Program (State)
Ready to Join As A Member?
Fill out our simple membership application to take the next step to become a member of the YBA.
Winning Testimonials
What Our Members Say

We’ve been YBA members for over 25 years. Connecting with other trades and suppliers has helped us grow our business threefold. YBA membership projects a professional image to potential clients, and the yearly public events give us opportunities to showcase our business. The staff is always helpful and knowledgeable. We are blessed to have such a top-notch organization supporting our industry in the area!
Lora Deller
Creative Design Consultant
Red Oak Remodeling

I have been very blessed to join the York Builders Association. We instantly loved the team at YBA. At our first event, they introduced us to everyone, and we immediately felt comfortable. We look forward to future events and getting more involved with the membership.
Amy Reinert
Express Employment Professionals

Based on a previous bad experience with another business association, I was skeptical about joining YBA. I agreed to meet with Tina, the Membership Director, and from the beginning it was obvious that Tina was 100% committed to making my experience the absolute best it could be. Since then, she helped me grow my business in ways I didn’t believe possible.
Greg Duke
Big D Enterprises, LLC

I am very excited about my YBA membership. I instantly felt energized by the staff and have been introduced to so many people already. I look forward to growing side by side with all the other members.
Rick Reinert
Creation Services Group

The different members within the industry - contractors, builders, & remodelers - we all bring something different to the table. For me, YBA membership is about being able ot share those insights & ideas.
Dave “Smitty” Smith
Dallastown Location Manager
Myers Building Product Specialists

My annual YBA membership fee is paid for several times over just through the relationships I've developed. As an employer I also value the fact that I can get comprehensive insurance plans through the York Builders Insurance Hub.
Shonna Cardello
Founding Partner/President
White Rose Settlement Services Inc.

YBA wants to be an asset to its members and that's evident. Membership has given me opportunities to introduce myself to large groups of potential customers that would've been difficult to meet otherwise. I've also been pleased to see how much they do for the community and I'm happy to be a part of that.
Chris Gibson
Sales Representative
York Building Products

Whether it's about a challenging situation within our own business or for the industry in general, our YBA community provides a support network and a source of solutions. Our YBA family works to build alliances and expand one another's opportunities.
Jason Barshinger
embee & son

Top 4 Reasons to Join the YBA
Connect and Grow
YBA is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and growing our industry. By developing opportunities for our members to build their business through promotion, referrals, connection, advocacy and staying up to date with the latest training, we also contribute to a thriving local economy. We provide resources for your business needs.

Free Referrals
No cost referrals through Find a Pro, YBA’s online tool designed to connect consumers searching for local & trusted professionals with YBA members.

Member Resources
Get access to resources like training, contract templates, building code, product & technology updates, affordable insurance, free meeting space, cost-saving programs, and more.

Engage and Connect
YBA offers countless opportunities to collaborate in the community, develop valuable connections & be recognized as a professional in your field.

Workforce NOW® Foundation
To ensure sustainability for our members and our industry, we focus on building our future workforce and connecting them with local opportunities through our nonprofit foundation.