Know a thing or two about saving energy?
Get the recognition you deserve! Enter your homes for a 2020 PEAK Award for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Energy Efficient New Homes Program, offered through FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania utilities (Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn Power).
Among the awards in the Green category, the PEAK Award for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability will recognize the member whose construction practices pair high-quality craftsmanship with techniques that deliver low-energy performance.
Qualifying entries must demonstrate extraordinary energy efficiency features and modeled energy savings of 15 percent over the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code.®
Winning entries will be given publicity via a news release sent to local media, announced on YBAÂ’s website, and via social media posts that can be shared with potential homebuyers.
Additional marketing materials for the winning builder will be made available through the Pennsylvania Energy Efficient New Homes Program.
To submit an entry, complete the registration form no later than April 27, 2020. Candidates are requested to submit before and after photos. When submitting the photos, please also upload a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) report.
The Pennsylvania Energy Efficient New Homes Program will review entries for the Energy Efficiency and Sustainability category.