​Latest News

We love sharing all the exciting things that are happening here at the YBA! Read on to learn all about our latest news.



York Builders Association Parade of Homes Goes Virtual for 2020

York Builders Association Parade of Homes Goes Virtual for 2020

The York Builders Association recently launched its first-ever Virtual Parade of Homes, featuring seven local new & remodeled projects. The Virtual Parade of Homes features videos of each project highlighting the project itself, the builder or remodeler, and in some cases, even the homeowner. This virtual event is presented by Traditions Mortgage, a division of York Traditions Bank.

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Haley Miller Promoted To YBA Events Coordinator

Working Through COVID-19

Now more than ever our service to our members is critical. We know that what is happening right now with COVID-19 is unprecedented and things shift daily. You have questions and we are doing our best to monitor the information available to us and provide answers.

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Now Accepting PEAK Award Nominations For Energy Efficiency

Now Accepting PEAK Award Nominations For Energy Efficiency

Get the recognition you deserve! Enter your homes for a 2020 PEAK Award for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Energy Efficient New Homes Program, offered through First Energy’s Pennsylvania utilities (Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn Power).

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​About the York Builders Association

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​NAHB Announcements
​PBA Announcements