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Month: October 2019

WorkforceNOW® One Year Later

WorkforceNOW® One Year Later

The York Builders Association launched the WorkforceNOW® initiative in October of 2018 in response to the skilled labor shortage that is at unprecedented levels. Currently, the gap between open jobs in the trades and workers available to step into those jobs is about 1.1 million jobs wide.

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Construction Career Days 2020

The YBA is coordinating our third annual Construction Career Days, an exciting opportunity available to local students in Aril 2020. Construction Career Days is an extremely beneficial event for high school students who are not planning on pursuing a formal post-secondary education, or for students who are still unsure of their future career path. The purpose of Construction Career Days is to increase high school students’ awareness of, and interest in, the readily available careers in the local construction industry.

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​NAHB Announcements
​PBA Announcements