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​​YBA Announcements

We love sharing all the exciting things that are happening here at the YBA! Read on to learn all about our latest news.

We Need You

Oct 7, 2016 | Announcements, Events

Thursday, April 2nd at 5pm we will be kicking off our membership drive for everyone who is helping us build our membership. We need you to continue to support our industry and association by joining us on Thursday.

How you can help:

  • 1. Be a team captain for the membership drive orÂ…
  • 2. Join a team
  • 3. Create a list of prospects – who do you think should be a member?
  • 4. Attend the orientation on April 2nd at the YBA office – 5pm. WeÂ’ll provide snacks!
  • 5. Tell potential members why you love being a member.

What we will do:

  • 1. Provide you with all the tools and resources to help you bring in new members. Attend the orientation on April 2nd to learn more.
  • 2. Provide prizes to those who have the best team name, most new members and more!
  • 3. Create a fun theme for our teams.
  • 4. Staff will follow up with any potential new members upon your request.
  • 5. Updated member application, new member packet, welcome packet and more
  • 6. Hold two open houses on April 16th at the YBA office for any potential members to meet the staff and learn more about the association.
  • 7. Provide $100 Builder Bucks for SCORE courses and $100 Builder Bucks for YBA events and educations to new members who join by April 29th.

Our goal is to bring in 50 new members. We need you to help us reach this goal and show why joining the York Builder Association is the right choice to make.

Email [email protected] today to RSVP for Thursday’s kick off.

Take the Next Step
​BECOME A Member Today

Join our community and unlock opportunities to connect with others in the industry.

​About the York Builders Association

YBA was chartered in 1964 as a non-profit association of builders and related trades, organized to promote home ownership for the citizens of York County and the improvement of the building industry. We are affiliated with the Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

​NAHB Announcements
​PBA Announcements